Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Will Try

Let me start this out by saying that I fail miserably at keeping a journal. It's not that I don't want to or that I don't feel I have anything of value to say. Honestly I'd like to have the record to look back on someday, but honestly I'm just lazy and that is the long and short of it. Another thing about journals is that the idea is to save memories that someone else will one day read and I don't know how I feel about trying to be totally honest with myself and then having some great granddaughter read about the first time i got felt up in middle school. (P.S great granddaughter his name was Austin, I was in the 7th grade, and it happened in the basement of my grandmothers house in New Freedom, PA - hope that was emotionally scaring enough for you)

Besides that, how do you even start at a place that makes sense? I mean I'm already 23. How do I summerize events to date in my life that gives you an idea of what has brought me here. See... now i'm over analyzing everything. Where to start... Well I know that this new idea to try and go through with this is because I have recently been introduced to a love of family history and I'd like to have something to leave behind. I'm sure some of what i've done or said may be horrifying to my future childrens childrens children but I guess in order for them to best understand who i've become you have to know where i've been.

I think my format for this might be continuing two part post system. One part where I wax poetic memoir style about my past and the second part being what is happening in my life currently... Worth a shot eh?

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