Saturday, February 4, 2012

It Gets Better

I feel like it is safe to assume that everyone gets lonely now and again. It can be for many different reasons. Maybe you are dealing with a tough loss of a family member or friend, maybe you just had a relationship end, or maybe you are struggling with some personal matters that make you feel like the only person in the world. There is an ad campaign out there specifically geared towards LGBT youth called "It Gets Better"... and I believe the energy behind it is positive. These people are trying to encourage youth not to take their own lives. To tell them that the crushing loneliness or the feelings of sadness will one day get better. As much as I like the message behind this I wonder if its fair though to get their hopes up like that.

You don't have to be an LGBT youth to get the message. It's pretty universal. Wherever you are in your life right now it can only get better, right? I am hesitant to bare my honest opinion here but really... it probably wont. The conditions itself will never get better. The bullies will never go away, the pain from teasing will always leave scars, and society will always have an opinion about your race, creed, religion, social status, or economic background. The problem itself will never get better. However, you're ability to deal with it can get better. I myself run into this problem a lot. I am lonely and i'm sad. To the point where, yes I have been medicated for it. But does it fix anything? Not Really. All the advice, medication, well wishes, and 'Just be happy's' in the world can not take away that empty place inside of you. And nothing will fill it either. Not food, sex, drugs, alcohol, or manic religion. You're ability to ignore it and continue to live each day is totally within your control. You can try to find ways to create maybe not a happy life but happy life moments. Service for others, putting all of your abilities into a school project or work assignment, or participating in a community or school activity to pass the time. With each new happy moment you are creating the ability to formulate a happy pattern of living. This wont fix your problem right away... but in my opinion its a damn good start.

So it may not 'Get Better' but it you can

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